Our Approach

Initial, No-Obligation Consultation

During the initial call, your senior advisor will explain the scope of services that are offered at no charge to your family.


Identifying Lifestyle Needs

Next, they will schedule a visit to meet with your family in the comfort of your own home to complete the initial intake. The purpose of this visit is to evaluate the areas of concern of both the Senior and their family members. 

Through this process, they will gain insight and understanding of your family dynamics, by creating a relationship based upon trust and compassion, in order that each family member will feel comfortable in expressing their individual views. 

The goal is to build consensus within your family unit so that we can collectively move forward to the next step of developing the plan, knowing everyone is on the same page


Nurse Assessment

An assessment will be completed by the community or an independent RN for adult family homes.

Your senior advisor can help coordinate this assessment, guide you through the process, and be there by your side for support.


Finding a Community

A personalized plan will identify the specific Senior Living options that will best meet the needs and lifestyle preferences based on the results of the Assessments.

Your Senior Advisor will accompany your family in visiting each community or home to make certain that all the important questions are asked and answered as it pertains to your specific situation. Prior to visiting the selected properties, they will prepare your family by sharing what they should observe during the tour. After the tour of each option, she will discuss the pros and cons to facilitate the decision-making process.

Your Senior Advisor will provide your family with contact information to our network of trusted advisors in the community, including, but, not limited to, Veteran’s benefits, Medicaid, Elder Law Attorneys, Physicians, insurance providers, home health agencies, Certified Senior Movers.


Moving In

After the Senior moves into the Senior Living Community, they will follow up with your family for feedback and provide resolutions to any of your concerns to ensure that you and your family are very happy with the choice you have made and the services offered by Guiding Seniors.